Terse Verse O’erheard


“Yo, on the way into the store Greg cut

Through the hedge. I think he thinks

He’s back in the bush

In ‘Nam

Or some shit. No fuckin’


-liquor store patron on cell phone, 11th and Wharton Sts, Phila

2 Responses to “Terse Verse O’erheard”

  1. A Hunger Artist Says:

    I didn’t think “couth” was a noun, but I went on Merriam-Webster and, sure enough, there it was. Couth: Polish, Refinement. I never would have expected to learn a finer point of diction from “O’erheard.” Maybe it’s time I held the man on the street in higher esteem. This one was great, by the way.

    • JackTres Says:

      Hey, thanks. Seems my man in the quote loved obscure word usage and cheap gin. As paired interests go, one could certainly do worse.

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